Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes Box Set II


Iconic Heroes is the latest release in the Pathfinder Battles series of pre-painted plastic miniatures from WizKids Games and Paizo Publishing.

Iconic Heroes Set II includes six all-new miniatures featuring famous personalities from the Pathfinder role-playing universe: Amiri, Kyra, Ezren, Merisel, Harsk and the animal companion, Biter! Each of these miniatures is an ALL-NEW sculpt and will feature a dynamic pose, incredible detail and a premium paint job.

Each Iconic Heroes Box Set also includes EXCLUSIVE “Boon Cards” (one for each miniature) for use in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game! These special Boon Cards are only available in this Pathfinder Battles product!

Characters featured in this Set List include:

•Amiri, Iconic Barbarian
•Kyra, Iconic Cleric
•Ezren, Iconic Wizard
•Merisiel, Iconic Rogue
•Harsk, Iconic Ranger
•Biter, Badger Animal Companion

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